Money Mining – How to Make Money Mining complete mining guide Thu, 30 Aug 2018 01:32:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /?v=4.9.8 How To Renovate Your Bathroom On A Miner’s Budget /renovate-bathroom-miners-budget/ Thu, 30 Aug 2018 01:32:53 +0000 /?p=660 ...continue reading
Mining is messy, and so you look forward to a warm shower at the end of the day. That said, you’re thinking you’re finally ready to remodel and renovate your old bathroom. However, spending $20,000 on a high-end bathroom design is definitely not an amount of money you can afford to spend on your minimum wage - miner’s pay.

That said, there’s no need to worry: you don’t have to spend a lot of cash to remodel your bathroom into a comfortable, stylish space. There are a variety of ways to renovate and remodel your home on a miner’s budget. Here are some key points to focus on:

How To Renovate Your Bathroom On A Miner's Budget
How To Renovate Your Bathroom On A Miner's Budget

Estimate your exact budget as accurately as possible

Evaluate how much you can afford to give for your renovation to figure out the extent of the modifications you can make. If your budget is more towards the minimum end (average monthly miner wages come down to $6000) you’ll want to focus on style changes like new fixtures, appliances, or paint jobs. If you’ve been saving up, you can go for bigger changes like getting tiles, better showers, etc. In the end, it all comes down to your budget.

Try avoiding any tiles

Tiles are pretty expensive, especially on a miner’s salary. To save money, hold back on the amount of tile and focus instead on surfaces like regular flooring. As a better alternative, you could also tile a single horizontal section along the wall and paint the remainder to get an affordable finish.

If you’ve got your mind on tiling that’s aesthetic and costly, use it as a highlight next to a more affordable tile. Not only will the tiles become more prominent this way, but you’ll save a lot of money by only having to purchase a few expensive tiles.

Upgrade to better fixtures

After all this, you can focus on the small but important details. You can upgrade your lighting, sink faucets, towel racks, and shower doors for a comparatively cheaper cost. These products may seem unimportant, but updating them can make a huge difference in your bathroom’s style.

You can out sites like for more ideas. Keep in mind that you don’t always have to get these things at a Home Depot or other hardware stores. If you can’t afford any new renovations, just check out some nearby garage sales or shop discounts for seasonal or used products so you can save a few bucks here or there without any worries.

If you’re looking to get the best shower doors to give your bathroom a beautiful and stylish look, Walk-In Showers makes the hunt easy for you. You get to choose from a variety of products and shower doors, all with different designs, looks, materials, finishes, features, colors, pros, cons, and prices.

Moreover, the blog provides detailed buyer guides and outlines different criteria you can follow based on your needs and requirements to pick the right one. You can go for sturdier models in case of safety, or choose shiny materials for better style. Select from different high-quality shows doors including:

  • Enigma-X by the DreamLine
  • The VIGO Elan
  • The Aston SDR978-SS-60-10
  • The DreamLine Aqua
  • The VIGO Pirouette
  • The DreamLine Infinity-Z
  • K-702207-L-NX KOHLER
  • The DreamLine Mirage

Once you’ve compared each product based on the buyer guide instructions, as well as your own personal preference, you can get your desired product by following the Amazon link provided by the blog to instantly have your shower door ordered and delivered to your doorstep. Even with your average salary or as a miner, you should not miss out on the best quality of shower doors.

Some Safety Tips When Inside A Mine /safety-tips/ Sat, 21 Jul 2018 20:19:35 +0000 /?p=652 ...continue reading
All types of workplaces have their own safety standards that need to be followed. For example, in offices, the company is responsible for improving indoor air quality for the employees. They know that the better the indoor air quality, the better that the employees can be in doing their tasks. They can be more productive and they can be more active in giving the type of work that they are required to provide.

This is also the same for people who work in mines. They still need to be protected even if they know that the mining industry is one of the most dangerous industries in the world because of so many reasons.

Some Safety Tips When Inside A Mine
Some Safety Tips When Inside A Mine

One thing that you should remember: you should always understand the risks that are involved when you go into mining. You may become more exposed to different types of diseases. The type of workplace that you will be in is also less than ideal. The more that you become familiar with these things, the more prepared that you will be.

  • You need to have the right gear so that you can be safe underground. You need to have an underground helmet that comes with its own flashlight. This will allow you to illuminate the areas that you have to see. There are still other safety gears that you should have so that you will be safer inside a mine.
  • Always become aware of your surroundings. You should immediately realize if there are some things that will be hazardous to your health or not. Mining is not the safest industry to be in but being aware can help keep you safe most of the time.
  • You need to have an air meter with you. This is something that all miners are supposed to have. The air meter will determine if the air quality inside the mine is still safe for you. There was a method that people used to do before to determine if the air quality it still good. This would involve lighting up a candle and seeing if the candle will continue to light up when placed in a certain area inside the mine. If it does suddenly dies, this means that there is not enough oxygen in that area and it will not be safe for you and the rest of the team anymore. There are now gadgets that can be used to measure the mine’s air quality.
  • You can have the right mask that will help protect you from the dust, dirt, and grime that you will encounter while you re inside the mine. Some miners say that they cannot work properly this way because they feel that it is a bit hard to breathe but as long as you would choose the right mask, this is not supposed to be a problem.

With all of these simple things that you can remember, you will become prepared for your mining job without having to lose your individuality in the process.

Reasons Miners Should Consider Moving With A Moving Company /reasons-miners-moving-moving-company/ Tue, 10 Jul 2018 13:51:43 +0000 /?p=647 ...continue reading
Moving no longer has to be hectic, there moving companies that have made moving so much easy. Initially, most people dreaded moving because of the hustle and the inconvenience involved. Luckily that is not the case anymore. Whether it is residential or commercial, moving companies will take care of your needs. For miners, after the busy schedule, they don’t have to also worry about moving. Some of the top reasons why miners should consider using a moving company include:

Reasons Miners Should Consider Moving With A Moving Company
Reasons Miners Should Consider Moving With A Moving Company

Saves Time and Energy

With a moving company, you don’t have to look for a truck yourself and packing boxes, they have all that. You also don’t have to worry about rearranging stuff and all. With a moving company all you need to do is let them know where you are moving to and they will take care of everything. Moving companies come with packing boxes; they will do all the packing and will even arrange the house for you. They also have their own trucks that they use for moving their customers goods.

Save your valuables

With a moving company, they will be accountable for all your valuables. Most of them have an insurance and incase of anything they will compensate you. This is a sure approach to make sure that your valuables are safe unlike moving on your own in case there is damage to your valuables then that is it.

It is convenient

Moving companies give you so much convenience when it comes to moving. All you need to do is arrange with them when you would like to be moved and leave everything to them. They will also work in the shortest time possible since they are experts.

Saves you from injuries

When moving or doing packing, there is chance that you may get an injury. With a moving company, you are sure that you will not get injuries because of moving.

Saves money

I know you might find this contradicting but it is actually true. A moving company will save you from the cost of buying storage for your goods, packing boxes, tapes and also any assets that you may lose or break in the process of moving. With a moving company, they have all that will be required to move and you will also be sure that you will not lose your stuff. Because most of the companies have their own trucks, it will save you from hiring a truck to move which will be expensive.

Saves you from stress

Well truth is most people don’t like to be stressed and moving is one thing that can really stress you. A moving company will take care of all your worries and make sure that you have peace of mind.

There is every reason why miners should consider using a moving company. Good thing is that there are many moving companies and hence there are good rates in the market. With a company such as umzugsfirma bern you will get the best services at good rates.

Health Benefits of Exercising for Miners /health-benefits-exercising-miners/ Mon, 02 Jul 2018 13:32:21 +0000 /?p=641 ...continue reading
Exercise is something that involves physical activity and is done to burn calories. Most of the people think that exercise is done just for the sake of losing weight. It’s true, it does help in weight loss but this isn’t it. Exercise has far more benefits than just getting rid of the fat and becoming slim. Not only bulky and fat people but almost everyone should add exercise to their daily routine. According to a study, slim people also need to do physical activity otherwise there are possibilities of bad effects on their health. One of the best ways that miners can incorporate exercise into their busy routines and even on their off days is through using exercise bikes. Head over to ExerciseRig to get a better idea of how recumbent exercise bikes can help you engage your entire body for a workout and leave you feeling stronger than ever!

Health Benefits of Exercising for Miners
Health Benefits of Exercising for Miners

Health is one of the most important factors of anyone’s life. No matter how much you earn, if you aren’t healthy you won’t be able to enjoy that wealth. Nowadays people have a very busy routine. Working 9 to 5 really affects your health. It’s good to take medicine sometimes but the best way to be healthy is to follow a proper diet and doing physical activities. If you want to know how miraculously exercising improves your health, you’ve come to the right place.

  1. Reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease:

Heart diseases and strokes are very common nowadays. Not even elders but some youngsters are also going through these diseases. The aerobic physical activity of 2 hours and 30 minutes a week can lower the risk these issues. Exercise helps in the blood flow through the veins which in returns prevents many other heart diseases.

  1. Solves sleep issues:

Insomnia is one of the sleep disorders that a lot of people suffer from. It is actually a state of distress where you can’t sleep even if you’re tired. Not having proper sleep makes a person dull and stressed. Regular exercise helps you to fall asleep faster and better. It also solves many other sleep issues as well.

  1. Reduces the risks of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes:

Metabolic Syndrome is a state in which you have a combination of low HDL cholesterol, high bold pressure, too much fat around the waist and high blood sugar or high triglycerides. Studies have shown that doing approximately 120 to 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise in a week can lower the rates of these conditions in a human body. Blood glucose levels can be controlled by regular physical activity which helps to reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Reduces Chronic Pain:

For many years, it has been thought and recommended that chronic pain can be reduced by inactivity and rest. But newer studies have denied this fact and proved that exercise and physical activity can help you fight with this pain. Pain that is associated with health like chronic soft tissue shoulder disorder, fibromyalgia, and chronic low back pain etc. can be solved by exercising regularly.

  1. Strengthens your muscles and bones:

With the growing age, people suffer from the loss of bone density. Hip fracture is a health condition that can have life-changing negative effects on your health. A proper 120 to 150 minutes moderate-intensity aerobic activity in a week can have wonderful positive effects on your health. Arthritis is a joint disease that mostly affects elders. Exercising can help in managing this pain.

Physical activity and exercise is necessary for everyone despite any age, body structure or gender. It not only helps in improving the physical health but also strengthens the mind and soul.

Need A Break From The Mines? Here’s Why You Should Go Fishing /break-mines-heres-fishing/ Fri, 08 Jun 2018 09:46:50 +0000 /?p=625 ...continue reading
It is always good to take a break from the dusty, stressful and dangerous mining industry for a breath of fresh air.  Frequent breaks can do wonders for your mental wellbeing and are so important to keep those stress and depression levels low.  One of the best breaks you can possibly take when you just need to get away is a good old fishing expedition.

Need A Break From The Mines? Here’s Why You Should Go Fishing
Need A Break From The Mines? Here’s Why You Should Go Fishing

Why fishing is so good for you

Fishing, like so many other hobbies, is superb for your health but unlike other hobbies, this one is actually affordable.  You don’t need a whole lot of expensive gear and you don’t have to visit an expensive holiday resort to enjoy fishing.  This type of sport can be enjoyed in your casual clothing, at a nearby lake that is affordable and with a few basic fishing essentials.  And the best part is that even though fishing is affordable it still gives you plenty of benefits like the following; 

Improved physical health – When you enjoy this sport you get plenty of vitamin D from the sun, plenty of fresh air and you do a lot of exercises which is great for your overall health. 

Improved mental health – Fishing reduces depression and stress because being out in the open where you can enjoy plenty of greens and the calm sound of water naturally combats these conditions and makes you feel splendid. 

You get plenty of rest – You don’t have to strain your body on a fishing trip.  There is plenty of time for just sitting down, relaxing and waiting for your catch. 

Thrilling – Every time you get a bite on that hook you get quite a thrill and pulling out that big catch sure is satisfying. 

Improve social skills – This type of sport also boosts your social skills since you have much more to talk about and if you take a few buddies along on your trip you get to know one another much better and improve your communication skills.

Basics you need for fishing

As said before, you don’t need much for a fishing expedition.  If you are booking into a cabin all you need to pack is your food, clothes, a good fishing rod and reel and your bait and tackle box.  Click here if you are looking for a great looking fishing reel for that old fishing rod of yours.  A good and sturdy reel can make a huge difference in the functionality of your fishing rod and is probably one of the most important parts of your fishing kit.  It is much better to invest in a good quality rod because you will save heaps of time on untying knots in your fishing line and you greatly reduce the chances of losing your catch if you have a good reel.

If you are tired of all of the hard work, dust and stress of your mining job then take a break and go on exciting fishing trips.  You don’t need much gear and you certainly don’t need a whole lot of leave days to enjoy a great fishing day.

Great Moving Tips for Mining Contractors /great-moving-tips-mining-contractors/ Sun, 03 Jun 2018 11:36:54 +0000 /?p=632 ...continue reading
Some mining contractors can stay in the same spot for quite a long when their contracts extend over 4 years or when they get reinstated at the same mine and company once the contract expires.  But plenty of miners are constantly on the go and have to frequently move between different towns and cities and some even move between different countries where there might be a high paying job opportunity.

Moving is never an easy task and can be quite daunting if you have to move more frequently than you would have liked.  But you can move a lot easier and quicker if you only use the right strategy and tips like the following;

Great Moving Tips for Mining Contractors
Great Moving Tips for Mining Contractors

Use a good moving company

A good moving company like Umzug Basel is a dream come true for anyone who is constantly on the go.  These experts will save you plenty of time, they reduce the risk of property damage when your goods are in transit and they will give you plenty of peace of mind.  They can take care of everything from packaging to loading to offloading and can even unpack for you if arranged.  A good moving company is the ultimate hassle-free solution for those who are constantly switching between work locations.

Consider furnished solutions

One of the best ways to skip out on all of the stress and hard work of moving is by choosing furnished accommodations.  These can, however, be pretty expensive, especially if you are staying for a couple of months or even years on end.  You also always have to accept the furniture that you get even if you might not like some of the pieces.

Choose your furniture smartly

If you know that you are going to move in the near future then choosing your furniture smartly can make the entire process a lot easier.  Invest in compact multipurpose furniture that is lightweight and flexible.  You should also focus on a uniform look for all of your furniture so it will be much easier to mix and match in just about any type of apartment or home.

Always pack a first night box

If you hate searching through various boxes for something as simple as a coffee mug then a first night box is probably the best moving tip you will ever find.  Your first night box should include all of those essential items that you will need on that first night when your stuff isn’t unpacked yet.  Include essentials like a spare set of clothing, food, snacks, instant coffee packs, a coffee mug and kettle and bedding so you can catch your breath before the big unpacking expedition starts.

Choose appliances cleverly

You never know what size your new home is going to be and lots of bulky kitchen and home appliances can be a nightmare to fit into a small apartment.  Choose your appliances smartly and get things that serve multiple functions instead of single-function appliances.

If you start living by these tips it will surely become a lot easier to pack up and move when your contract reaches that expiry date and you can get started on your new job without being exhausted and stressed from the move.

How Miners Can Choose Inflatable Paddle Board /miners-choose-inflatable-paddle-board/ Sun, 13 May 2018 13:15:57 +0000 /?p=613 ...continue reading
Miners can engage in many fun activities during their free time and that includes paddling. There is something about the waters and that is why it is so much relaxing and revitalizing. Paddling can be done by anyone so long as you have the basics. As much as paddling is fun, it is even more fun with the right paddleboard. With the many paddle boards in the market, it might be overwhelming to choose the right paddleboard. To get the best cheap inflatable paddle board, you have to know the basics. Some of the factors to consider when looking for a paddle board include:

How Miners Can Choose Inflatable Paddle Board
How Miners Can Choose Inflatable Paddle Board


This is such an important consideration to make when looking for an inflatable paddleboard. The right size will all depend on your height and weight. Tall people will need large boards for increased stability while short people need smaller boards since a large board will give them problems in creating a balance. Your weight will also determine the size of paddleboard that will be right for you. If you have lightweight which is somewhere below 140lbs, then you will need a short board. If you are heavy, that is over 140 lbs. you will need a large board.

The size will however also depend on the brand that you are buying and also how you intend to use the board. For example if it is for yoga, you will need a long and wide paddleboard since you will need a large surface area.

Thickness of the board

Many boards have a size that ranges between four to six inches. Thin boards are not as stiff and stable like thick boards. It is however good to keep in mind that the boards will get inflated and when they do they will feel very solid regardless of their size. Normally people with more experience will opt for thicker boards. In as much as the thickness of the board will affect how long it will take the board to inflate, the volume will also have an influence on that.


PSI also known as pounds per square inch is the highest air pressure that can be filled in an inflatable paddleboard. A higher pressure translates to a fuller and stiffer board. If you are heavy weight, you will need a board with high pressure and vice versa. The time taken to inflate an inflatable paddleboard will be influenced by the kind of pump you are using. A hand pump will definitely take longer than an electric pump.

Board surface

The surface boards of paddleboards have different kind of surfaces. There are some that are loaded with special features such as anti-slip traction pads.

Getting the best paddleboard is that easy. The best one will normally depend on an individual and what they are looking for. Just like purchasing any other thing, research and comparison is very easy. In most cases the store where you will do your purchase will advise you accordingly.

The Benefits of Insurance for Miners /benefits-insurance-miners/ Sun, 18 Mar 2018 08:19:32 +0000 /?p=603 ...continue reading
Insurance is essential in light of the fact that both human life and business condition are surrounded by risk and vulnerability. Insurance assumes a key part in relief of dangers. The advantages of insurance are talked about underneath:

The Benefits of Insurance for Miners
The Benefits of Insurance for Miners
  1. Security and Safety: It gives a feeling that all is well with the world and a sense of security to the businessperson. It empowers him to receive compensation against losses that are faced. He can focus on his business with a protected inclination that if there should arise an occurrence of misfortunes emerging from insurable risk, his losses will be compensated.
  2. Distribution of risk: Risk in insurance is spread over various individuals rather being focused on a single person.
  3. Normal expected profit: A trader/businessperson who is insured can enjoy the normal margin of profit at all times. Insurance helps to protect against unexpected losses.
  4. Easy to get loans: A broker can get bank loans effectively if his stock or property is insured, as insurance gives a conviction that all is good to the moneylenders.
  5. Favorable circumstances of Specialization: Businessmen can focus on their business exercises without investing more energy in protecting their property. The insurance agencies, then again, can give particular insurance services.
  6. Improvement of Social Sectors: Insurance reserves are accessible for financial advancement especially for the advancement of social areas. Particularly for developing nations, insurance funds are a critical hotspot for putting resources into development ventures (streets, control, water supply, telecom and so on).
  7. Social collaboration: The weight of loss is carried by such a significant number of people. Along these lines, insurance gives a type of social participation.

Here are some additional benefits:

  • Insurance gives security against uncertainty and risk.
  • It empowers the insurance to focus on his work without dread of misfortune because of risk and uncertainty. One perfect example is that of commercial trucking insurance in florida which can help insure your vehicle against any accidental risks.
  • It instills regular savings habit, as on account of disaster insurance.
  • The insurance approach can be sold and finances brought up in the event of money related prerequisites.
  • Insurance plans, particularly pension plans accommodate salary security amid maturity.
  • The guaranteed gets tax reductions for the measure of premium paid.
  • Insurance of merchandise might be an obligatory necessity in specific contracts.

Here are the benefits of insurance to society as a whole:

  1. Insurance is a critical risk mitigation device.
  2. Insurance agencies give the expected assets to framework improvement.
  3. It gives a feeling that all is well with the world.
  4. Insurance gives security to the insured during his life and to his dependents as well.
  5. It provides with employment opportunities.
  6. Insurance gives a feeling of job to the individuals who may some way or another not have an income source — housewives, resigned individuals, students and so on can fill in as operators and gain commission.
  7. Insurance chips away at the standard of pooling of dangers and appropriates hazards over numerous individuals.
  8. Insurance is a priceless guide to exchange.
Why You Need to Encourage Employees to Use Their Vacation Time /encourage-employees-vacation-time/ Sat, 10 Mar 2018 18:07:57 +0000 /?p=591 ...continue reading
Vacation time is very important in everyone’s life, whether they are employees, bosses, or even students. People need to take some time off their daily routines so that they can refresh their minds, or recharge their batteries. This also applies to those that are employed in the mining industries across the world. In this article, we are going to focus on why you need to encourage employees to use their vacation time.

Employees that go on vacation have higher chances of going up the corporate ladder since they are more productive and creative. It tends to improve their mental state and productivity, even though at times they might not want to take those vacations for the fear of their work piling up, or the fear of someone taking over their jobs more effectively while they are away.

Why You Need to Encourage Employees to Use Their Vacation Time
Why You Need to Encourage Employees to Use Their Vacation Time

When people come from vacation, their brains are more active and engaged, and hence they are more productive to you as an employer. There is also the fact that it is your employees right to go on vacation, and failure to give this to them could lead to lower productivity or sales. It acts as some sort of motivation.

The bottom line of giving your employees a vacation is to make sure that they are happy, because as a leader you should understand that when they are happy, they are more productive and collaborative. A happy workforce is something that will ensure more productivity and better performance.

The Best Survival Knife to Buy in 2018

One of the vacations that a person can take is a hunting or survival vacation out in the wilderness. It could involve camping, mountain climbing, or just viewing wildlife and nature. This is the perfect opportunity to get away from the everyday life that you're used to. While on such vacations, you need to carry along with you the right accessories, which could include survival knives. That is why we are now going to review some knives in our bid to find out the best survival knife.

Ka-Bar Becker BK2 “Campanion” Fixed Blade Knife

The KA-BAR Becker Companion Knife and Tool is a lightweight knife that features a durable, 1095 cro-van steel blade, perfect for splitting kindling, skinning game, or chopping onions for the campfire grill. It has a drop point blade shape and a versatile 20-degree blade angle. It has a flat blade, five and a half inches long, and the overall length being ten and a half inches. The knife includes a glass-filled nylon sheath to keep the blade safe and sharp.


  • Full tang heavy duty field knife suited for camping chores.
  • Made in Olean New York, U.S.A
  • Designed by Ethan Becker
  • Manufactured by KA-BAR Knives Inc.
  • Comes with a hard shell black nylon sheath.

Gerber LMF II Infantry

The Gerber 22-41629 LMF II Black Infantry Knife is the perfect survival knife for the worst conditions., and it comes with a 10-inch serrated blade that was field-tested with troops, ensuring that it can stand up to rugged, rigorous use and offer high performance under a variety of emergency conditions.


  • Blade tip- drop point
  • Overall length- 10.59 Inch
  • Blade Length- 4.84 Inch
  • Material- 420 HC
  • Hardness- unknown
  • Handle- Glass Filled Nylon
  • Sheath- nylon
  • Weight- 11.67 oz

Ka-Bar Becker US Marine Corp Fighting Utility Knife

The KA-BAR Knife features a gold-plated brass guard and pommel, as well as a 7” straight edge blade that is made with tough 1095 Cro-van steel, making it durable and sharp.


  • 100% leather sheath
  • Imported
  • 1095 Cro-van steel
  • 7" straight edge blade
  • The most famous fixed blade knife design in the world
  • Leather handle, USMC fighting knife
  • Made in the USA, sheath made in Mexico.

Fallkniven A1 Survival Knife

This is an 11" survival knife. It features a 6.13" satin finish laminate vg-10 stainless modified spear point blade, a black checkered Kraton handle, full tang, a lanyard hole, and a black leather belt sheath.

Buck Model 119 Special Survival Knife

This is one of the best fixed blade survival knives, with a blade length of 6 inches, and weighing 7 ounces. It comes with a forever warranty.


  • Overall Length - 10-1/2 inch.
  • Blade Length - 6 inch.
  • Weight - 7.5 ounce.
  • Made in the USA.

Ka-Bar Becker BK7 Combat / Utility Knife

This is a sturdy but lightweight combat/ utility knife that can be used by soldiers and adventures. The blade is made of 1095 Cro-Van steel, an easy-to-sharpen carbon steel, while the Swiss-made Grivory handle is constructed of a glass-fiber-filled nylon for added strength. Additional features are a clip point, a flat grind, and a 20-degree edge angle.


  • Combat utility
  • Category name: knives
  • Made in USA or imported
  • Sturdy, lightweight all-purpose utility knife
  • Easy-to-sharpen 1095 Cro-Van steel blade
  • Durable glass-fiber-filled nylon handle
  • 20-degree edge angle; 7-inch blade length
  • Measures 12-7/8 inches overall; weighs 0.75 pounds

Schrade Extreme Survival Knife

This knife comes with a total length of 12.1 inches, the blade being 6.4 inches. It features 1095 Carbon steel, a good grip handle, and a not so good sheath.


  • Overall length of knife – 12.1 inches
  • Blade length – 6.4 inches
  • Handle length – 5.7 inches
  • Material – 41095 Carbon steel, drop point blade
  • Weight – 1 pound
  • HRC – 56 to 58
  • Price – under $50

ESEE-6 Plain Black Blade with Grey Removable Micarta Handles

This knife comes with a full tang 1095 high carbon steel construction with a black powder coated flat ground 6.50" blade. The Handle is made out of Grey Micarta scales, with a lanyard hole in the rounded pommel. The blade comes with a durable black molded polymer carry sheath with removable clip.


  • Overall length: 11.75"
  • Blade length: 6.50"
  • Blade material: 1095 steel
  • Handle material: Grey micarta scale
  • Sheath: Black molded polymer

ESEE Laser Strike Fixed Blade Knife

Made from high carbon steel, this knife has a blade that is 4.75 inches long with an overall length of 10 inches. It features a Kydex sheath, handle removal washer, a belt clip plate, tinder tabs, and a Ferrocerium fire starting flint. Out of the box, the knife is razor sharp, the steel blade comfortably taking all kinds of abuse.


  • Overall length of knife – 10 inches
  • Blade length – 4.75 inches
  • Handle length – 5.25 inches
  • Material – 1095 high carbon steel
  • Handle – Canvas Micarta
  • Price – under $200


Your employees have a right to go on vacation, and it is also your right as an employer to ensure that they take those vacations. Their productivity becomes better, and that is good for the overall performance of the organization.

A Safety Guide for The Mining Industry /safety-guide-mining-industry/ Sat, 03 Mar 2018 21:29:27 +0000 /?p=586 ...continue reading
Safety is the priority of any reputable mining company since injuries and diseases are common in mines and workers who’re exposed to these. For this reason, all mining companies and employees should focus on these key safety points to ensure minimum health and accident risk during mining:

A Safety Guide for The Mining Industry
A Safety Guide for The Mining Industry

Be careful of flammable gas

Gases are commonly exposed during mining work, especially in coal mines. Ignitable gases under high temperature and exposure to flames and sparks can be deadly, leading to fires, sparks, and explosion as in mines. Rock dusting is a preventive technique, which should be used to reduce this risk. It involves spreading stone dust like limes from around potential gas-filled areas of the mine. Another important step to avoid such situations is having proper water supplies installed within the mines to cool down my temperatures, keep miners cool and hydrated, and also for use in case of any fire or spark emergencies.

Avoid dust inhalation

A common health issue faced by 50% of miners is respiratory problems. Toxic gases are exposed in mines during crushing, extractions, and transport of harmful rocks and materials in and out of the locations, with silica being the most prominent harmful gas. These gases once inhaled can cause acute and chronic respiratory conditions that not only cause breathing problems for miners but also can result in life-long debilitating diseases. All miners should be encouraged to wear the right protective gear, including gas masks. Along with these essentials, workers should also be given regular health evaluations by adept medical staff for preventing and treating any dust exposure and potential health problems.

Have proper ventilation

Since exposure to the dust and gases explained above are such a huge medical risk, an important step that should be taken involves proper installation of ventilation throughout mining locations where the installation is practically feasible. Any improper air circulation within the mines can be catastrophic for miners working already claustrophobic conditions, not to mention the added health problems. Adequate vents, ducts, fans, and circuits of standard quality must be added by hired professionals, who should then follow up with quality control, maintenance and regular checkups for the insurance of work safety.

Get quality transport means

Installation of proper roads and pavements is necessary for mining safety, as well as efficient transport of harmful substances within the working locations. West Tennessee Construction makes the installation process quick and easy by dedicatedly working on on-site evaluation, parking lot repair, and maintenance, infrared asphalt repair, concrete paving, pavement maintenance and quality control, all through totally eco-friendly services and procedures.

Call now and you can add environment-friendly concepts and green solutions into your mining location. Since the company focuses on providing you with a loyal and fully supportive work team. That team keeps you involved throughout the entire pavement installation starting from standard mining location evaluations for faults, solutions cost evaluations, carrying through with the quick, easy and efficient installation of your roads and pavements as per your requirements, and ending with fully regulated future management and checkups.

With West Tennessee Construction, you can get the most feasible roads and pavements now fully constructed for your mining and transport, with quality and safety guaranteed according to the company’s standards and even those of your own. Have all this done while being assured that no added or hidden prices are billed for any extra and futile materials since the company team prides itself on its transparency to maintain a standup work ethic.

Therefore, if you want precision, durability, and quality provided at a great cost, work with West Tennessee Construction to ensure the safety of all miners and colleagues in your company.
